By donating to The Goddess Project you will help bring this documentary to life!  Your contribution will help Holli and Sara with final editing and marketing initiatives so they can share these inspiring stories worldwide in 2015!

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The Goddess Project is looking for passionate people that are ready to take action! If you’d like to contribute in any of the following ways, click the box and an email will be sent to Holli and Sara.



In the summer of 2012, Sara Landas and Holli Rae sold everything they owned, packed their lives into a mini school bus, and hit the road to document inspiring real-life stories from women across the nation.

Throughout their 6 month journey, they met incredible women from all walks of life who bravely volunteered to bare their souls in front of the lens. Sara and Holli interviewed artists, mothers, healers, businesswomen and scholars about the life-changing experiences that shaped them to become who they are today. By the end of the 10,000 mile trip across the U.S., they had sat down with over 100 women who shared their stories of realizing their potential, overcoming their fears, and shifting our world into a new state of consciousness! Hearing the stories of how each of these women overcame adversity and created the life of their dreams, transformed Sara and Holli and they believe it will do the same for girls and women by showing them the many different ways that they can do it too!

“The message of the movie is “Others See Their Possibilities In Your Reality,” because we have personally witnessed the incredible transformation that comes when you find a role model who is relevant to you. “ ~Sara Landas & Holli Rae, Filmmakers.

Why Bhakti Chai loves this project

Bhakti Chai was first introduced to The Goddess Project in 2013 when Hollie and Sara had their first Kickstarter campaign. We were inspired by their energy, passion, and commitment to connecting with real women and telling their stories. Bhakti Chai is devoted to doing whatever we can to help get more empowering content for women and girls out in the media. Movies play a huge role in shaping culture and currently only 11% of all clearly identifiable protagonists in films are female. The Goddess Project is going to change that.

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